Mental Mondays: 5 Sure Signs You’re Reaching A Breaking Point

A creative writer with a voracious appetite for fashion, beauty,…
The unending shrieks of a fussy toddler. An emotionally demanding relationship. A bank account that’s not worth all your day’s work, and this reality is surely beginning to tell on your emotions. Maybe you just yelled at a friend for the most outrageous reason, or you probably pulled your toddler a little too forceful or your health is starting to deteriorate.
When is enough finally enough? You ask yourself as all that strength begins to wear off, leaving an exhausted human who simply wants to stay sane. If you are in this state, experiences might differ, but it all boils down to the number one culprit—stress.
Stages of stress before you break
Being on top of your mental health includes managing stress properly, being aware of your breaking points, and having the ability to recognize the signs and triggers.
There are 3 stages of stress/pressure before a meltdown.
- An awareness of the pressure, but you feel like you still have it covered.
- The effect of this stress is beginning to surface and weigh in on you, but you are still in control of your reactions.
- The last stage is the “I can’t take this anymore” moment when the smallest things could lead to an outpour of subdued emotions and an inevitable breakdown.
“There comes a point where you no longer care if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
You’re just sick of the tunnel.” ~Ranata Suzuki
Check out 5 signs to know when you’re reaching a breaking point…
#1. Irascibility at its finest

You can tell when you’re approaching your limits, especially with the not-so-subtle outbursts of anger that keep happening. Your child’s temper tantrums will finally drive you nuts, and that auntie at dinner might as well have her smart mouth fixed once and for all. The more you suppress anger and refuse to deal with it, the more likely it is you would either implode or explode. Once you are unable to handle issues gracefully, as you would in the past, that’s likely a sign your wheels are about to fall off.
#2. Emotional instability

Stress has a significant effect on emotions, from crying for the most unlikely reasons to isolating from family and friends. When you notice a decline in your mood, it’s advised to step on the brakes and get help, because when left unattended, it could worsen into a more serious mental health issue.
#3. Sleeping disorders

If you’re used to having your beauty sleep, but noticed lately, maintaining a sleep pattern has become a herculean task, that’s a sign something might be wrong. A poor sleep routine further weakens the individual, and if you’re going through the day feeling weak and unmotivated, it might be one of the signs that you’re reaching a breaking point.
#4. A lack of concentration

Occasionally, we lose concentration or forget the reason why we climbed the stairs. This situation is called brain fog and happens when you try to hold down many stressful “projects” all at once. If you’ve been blanked out on a page for minutes and find it hard to concentrate, maybe you need to slow things down and rejuvenate.
#5. You’ve lost interest

When previously enjoyed activities no longer spur up desire in you, then that’s obviously a pointer. From being a sucker for hiking and attending friends’ picnics to wanting to ride solo at all times. The decline in interest can be jump-started by forcing yourself to “just do it” as Nike advises. It’s at that moment you realize how you’ve missed your hobbies and how they make you feel better.
What to do if you reach breaking point nonetheless?
Prevention has always been said to be better than cure, but if you ignore the signs or don’t have the willpower to fight, and finally reach your breaking point, that’s not the end of the road. There are ways to hit the refresh button and get yourself back in place.
#1. An internal approach

Yes, a formidable support group is fine, but healing starts from within. Self-awareness could help prevent or manage the situation when you reach a breaking point. Be aware of your triggers, acknowledge the pressure, and think about ways to deal with it. Rather than sweeping things under the carpet, reflect and meditate, and learn to master emotional control.
#2. Leverage on external support

Nobody is an island, and although self-awareness is an integral part of recovering from a meltdown, a support group is also a helpful ally. We as humans are social beings and are not meant to constantly function in isolation. Take the opportunity and leverage the support of loved ones, it goes a long way.
#3. Set a balance

A breakdown doesn’t happen overnight, the principle is consistent pressure until you can’t take any more. Whether it’s being investigated and you break under the pressure or you’re over-scheduled. Although one is not within your control, the other is. When dealing with issues within your control, consider doing things differently and avoid repeating history. Sometimes, choosing to relax and recuperate is the best choice. It’s a game-changer knowing when to refuel for the journey ahead.
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ~John Lubbock
Featured Image: Polina Tankilevitch | Pexels
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A creative writer with a voracious appetite for fashion, beauty, lifestyle and culture. As one who's passionate about the advancement of the woman, creating content that inspire smart style and living, and positive lifestyle changes is a calling I take seriously. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥