Mental Mondays: How To Deal With A Difficult Boss In A Healthy Way

A creative writer with a voracious appetite for fashion, beauty,…
or every organization to thrive, there should be a healthy measure of sanity projected in the work environment. One of the biggest factors that could threaten this sanity and consequently, the high performance of employees is a difficult and insatiable boss. The chances of having a heart attack is said to increase by a whopping 50 percent when you work for a difficult boss who consciously manipulates, harasses, or drives their workers up the wall.
To work effectively with anyone, there has to be room for creativity and growth, and if an individual isn’t free enough to be themselves, anxiety is the next stop on their list. Once a person would rather meet up to numbers than work on their interpersonal relationships with others, the job might get done but the tension in the workplace is bound to be so dense, you could cut through it.
It’s easy to say: “Why stick with a difficult boss? Why can’t I get another job?” That’s definitely an option, but if you are reading this then maybe you’ve chosen to exhaust your options before throwing in the towel. While some seek options to help manage and thrive even in a toxic workspace, others would rather exempt themselves from the drama. Whatever the case, everyone knows their mental limit and capacity, and this should be respected.
Sometimes, your boss isn’t necessarily a bad person but might be a micromanager, picks a favorite in the office, constantly compares his employees, has anger problems, always threatens to fire his employees at any given mistake, or is just a plain bully. Now we’ve covered that, how about some practical tips on how to deal with a difficult boss?
Check out 5 tips on how to deal with a difficult boss…
#1. Be observant

Paying attention to your boss’ modus operandi–understanding reasons why your boss chooses to resolve issues a certain way–could help you figure out your boss’ management style. This approach also gives you insight into his/her motivating factor which in turn can help you figure out why they act or react a certain way. It might just be that they also don’t want to look bad in front of their superiors (if this applies).
#2. Be thorough with your job

Regardless of how fastidious your boss is, never let it affect your work both in speed and accuracy. Reducing your work pace out of anger or defeat will only further cause unwanted friction especially if you are not ready to leave the job. So avoid unnecessary excuses or off days to prevent running behind schedule as this only helps to build up a case against you.
#3. Take note of triggers

One fact is clear, everyone with anger issues has triggers. Proper identification and communication can help if your boss falls under this category. While it’s not your job to enable temper tantrums and/or power play, it helps to identify these triggers and try not to activate them.
#4. Ask questions

While this option might sound like a stretch, it’s important to conduct research about the company before availing yourself for an interview. It’s not just about the likely interview questions but about making sure you run research on the work culture of the company. If you didn’t do this before the interview, why not hang out with some of the company staff and try as much as possible to discover essential details about your new boss. The information certainly comes in handy.
#5. Avoid resentment

Honestly, it is easier said because when you’re constantly being threatened and stressed, it’s a matter of time before you become resentful towards your boss. This reality might have burst your bubble especially if you envisioned a totally different kind of boss, but we sometimes don’t have control over who we work with. What you do have control over is to channel your energy on positivity and things you can control rather than allow frustration to affect your work or even your health. How to deal with a difficult boss.
If all these fail and you’ve stretched beyond your limit knowing fully well that your mental health might be hanging on a thread, it’s most likely time to move on to a new job.
Featured image: Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels
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A creative writer with a voracious appetite for fashion, beauty, lifestyle and culture. As one who's passionate about the advancement of the woman, creating content that inspire smart style and living, and positive lifestyle changes is a calling I take seriously. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥