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Mental Mondays: Helpful Ways To Manage Your Emotions When Trying To Conceive

Mental Mondays: Helpful Ways To Manage Your Emotions When Trying To Conceive

Manage emotions trying to convince

Life isn’t either black or white, there are indeed gray areas. Once such an area is the subject of conception. Contrary to popular opinion and what movies depict, getting pregnant isn’t always a one-off affair. Sometimes, it requires multiple efforts, and this can lead to an emotional royal rumble. This season of trying to conceive may result in a buildup of anger, anxiety, stress, and whatever emotion we find ourselves expressing.

The more we see a negative result following each pregnancy test, the more stressed we become. Therefore, learning how to manage your emotions when trying to conceive is a paramount skill if you prioritize your peace of mind. This is because stress can be a contributing factor to conception, and the more it spikes, the more likely you’ll get another negative result. It becomes a cycle–waiting causes stress, and stressing could cause delay.

See how stress affects you when trying for a baby…

Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Stress can have not-so-good effects on you when trying for a baby, including:

  • Stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can interfere with the reproductive hormones responsible for ovulation in women and sperm production in men.
  • Chronic stress can lead to irregular menstrual cycles or even anovulation (the absence of ovulation), making it more difficult to predict fertile windows and conceive.
  • High-stress levels can decrease sexual desire, leading to less frequent intercourse and lower chances of conception.
  • In men, stress can reduce sperm count, motility (movement), and morphology (shape), which are critical factors for successful fertilization.
  • Chronic stress can increase inflammation in the body, which could negatively affect reproductive organs and processes.
  • It often leads to lifestyle changes, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, and insufficient sleep, all of which can impact fertility.
  • It may affect the uterine environment, making it less responsive to embryo implantation, which is crucial for a successful pregnancy.
  • In men, stress can lead to erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, which can hinder the ability to conceive.
  • The emotional toll of stress can lead to anxiety and depression, which can further compound difficulties in conceiving by creating a negative feedback loop of stress and emotional distress.

Managing stress through techniques such as mindfulness, counseling, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help mitigate its impact on fertility and improve the chances of conception.

Experts say these emotions also play a role in conception

Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels
  • Anxiety: This can cause physiological changes, such as increased muscle tension and altered blood flow, which can interfere with reproductive function. It may also contribute to performance anxiety in men, affecting sexual function.
  • Depression: Depression can lead to changes in appetite, sleep, and energy levels, which can affect health and fertility. It may also decrease sexual interest and frequency of intercourse.
  • Guilt: Feelings of guilt, especially related to past reproductive choices or lifestyle factors, can create significant emotional stress, which in turn can impact fertility.
  • Frustration: Constant frustration with the process of trying to conceive can create a negative emotional environment, potentially leading to tension in relationships and further stress.
  • Hopefulness: Positive emotions like hope and optimism can improve well-being and reduce stress, potentially supporting better reproductive health.
  • Fear: Fear of infertility or the potential challenges of parenthood can create significant stress and anxiety, which may negatively affect conception efforts.
  • Sadness: Experiencing sadness, especially after a miscarriage or failed fertility treatments, can lead to emotional withdrawal and reduced intimacy, impacting the chances of conception.
  • Excitement: While generally positive, excessive excitement can sometimes lead to heightened stress levels, particularly if expectations are not met quickly, creating a roller-coaster of emotions.
  • Resentment: Feeling resentment, either towards a partner or due to external pressures (e.g., from family or societal expectations), can create emotional barriers and increase stress.

Managing these emotions through open communication, professional counseling, support groups, and stress-reduction techniques is essential to maintaining a healthy emotional state, which can positively influence the journey toward conception.

Helpful ways to handle emotions while trying to conceive…

Photo: João Paulo de Souza Oliveira/Pexels

Keep your emotions under control with these tips:

  • Open communication: Talk openly with your partner about your feelings, fears, and hopes. This can strengthen your relationship and provide mutual support.
  • Seek professional support: Consider seeing a therapist or counselor who specializes in fertility issues. They can provide coping strategies and a safe space to express your emotions.
  • Get a support system: Connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Support groups, both online and in person, can provide a sense of community and shared understanding.
  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation: Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help manage stress and anxiety.
  • Set boundaries: Educate yourself about fertility, but avoid excessive research that can lead to information overload and added stress.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can improve both your physical and emotional well-being.
  • Expect, but be realistic: Understand that conceiving can take time and that it’s normal to experience ups and downs. Setting realistic expectations can help reduce pressure.
  • Do you: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, dancing, or spending time with friends and family.
  • Avoid possible triggers: If social media or certain conversations trigger negative emotions, consider setting boundaries to protect your mental health.
  • Be happy: Maintaining a hopeful and patient outlook can be challenging, but focusing on the positives in your life can help you stay resilient.
  • Consider alternative paths: If conception takes longer than expected, explore other family-building options, such as adoption or fertility treatments, to keep all possibilities open.

It’s important to be kind to yourself and recognize that experiencing a range of emotions during this journey is completely normal.

Featured image: Cherry’s  POV/Pexels

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