Latest Gele Styles: The Hand Fan Phenom

A Lagos-based energetic, fun, and witty writer with a crave…

“Gele” | Pronounced: Gay-Lay: Yoruba word for a woman’s head wrap
[dropcap]G[/dropcap]ele tying has evolved into a more sophisticated craft and has gained more inclusiveness over the years. From being a thing just for aunties and mummies to becoming an actual wearable accessory for younger women, it’s also been adopted into every Nigerian culture despite the fact that it has Yoruba roots.
The most fascinating thing about the Gele trend is the diverse creativity it comes with as it continues to take on different structures, textures, stretches and shapes. The Hand Fan Gele which takes after the neatly arranged pleats of a hand fan has been in style since early this year and Gele artists have found creative ways to keep us entertained by this new Gele tying technique. This trending look comes with a welcomed feminine modernity, exquisiteness and a ceremonial outlook. It can be embellished or paired and accessorized with different ornaments depending on just how haute you wanna serve it.
Women of all ages are rocking the Hand Fan Gele and as a true Style Raven you shouldn’t miss out on this fascinating trend. Let’s inspire your next Gele look with these curated hand fan-inspired pieces as recently seen on models and real brides.

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A Lagos-based energetic, fun, and witty writer with a crave to develop compelling content for the feminine space. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram! @StyleRave_ ♥