Leave the Hollywood fantasy aside, no woman wants to settle with a player. For those who don’t know, a player is a guy who fakes romantic feelings for you and numerous other ladies at the same time. And they’re unfortunately very good at it. While the general consensus seems to be that it’s difficult to determine a player by merely looking at him, I disagree a tad bit. As a matter of fact, I do believe that style is one way how to know a player.
While these tips aren’t 100% certain (full disclosure: they aren’t scientifically proven), I dare say they are workable. Take, for example, how you can tell a liar because they’re always speaking vaguish. In the same vein, there’re some attributes you can use to pinpoint a player before your heart is invested — and one of such ways is his style! A serious guy tends to be drawn to certain fashion choices as opposed to a guy who comes around just for fun. How do I know? Unfortunately, I’ve met quite a number of players. (Sobs). And as they say, experience really is the best teacher.
In service of the sista-sista culture, I’ve curated a few ways how you can spot a player based on his style to help you keep your guard up. Yes, you can consider me your Messiah as I got my heart broken so you don’t have to. (Lol). Always remember that you deserve to be loved genuinely, and you shouldn’t settle for less. How to know a player
Note: These tips are based on my personal observation and experience and don’t necessarily hold true for everyone. Proceed with caution.
Here are 5 ways to know he’s a player based on his style…
#1. He loves to show skin

Are you ready for this conversation? I know you drool over his midnight skin perfectly laid over his Idris-Elba-like chest and that shirt only makes you desire him more. Guurrl, you better believe he knows! So while you unhealthily obsess over that tall glass of hot chocolate, you should prepare for the burn it could bring. If he rarely ever buttons his shirts completely, best believe he’s seeking female attention.
#2. He’s never caught unfresh

It’s not a bad thing for a man to want to look good, but you called him for the third time this week and he’s at the barbers for a ‘little shape up’? It’s beginning to look like he spends more time getting his hair done than you do. Think about it. How to know a player
#3. His skincare routine is better than yours

Men who have a skincare routine are such a rarity yet, such a delight to look at and be with. However, biologically speaking, men do not need as much skincare pampering as women. This is because they do not have the hormones that cause a lot of skincare issues women experience. So, if his skincare regimen is better than yours, that could be a red flag!
#4. He’s obsessed with his nails

Don’t get it wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a manly pedi. In fact, more men should get their nails done frequently. But when he obsessively checks his nails and almost lives in the nail salon, you need to raise some brows.
#5. His pants are tailored too high from his ankle

This is another warning sign. They’ll flash those ankles because they know you love to see them. Once again, these men know what most women like, and they’ll do their best to appear just that way. Take up your heels sis, run!
I hope you took up lessons as much as you laughed. Seriously ladies, be careful and if there’s a red flag, find your way! There is plenty of fish in the sea.
Featured Image: Joey Nicotra | Unsplash
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