Natural Hair But Relaxed Edges? Here’s How To Smooth Out Your Edges Without Using Relaxers

A fashion and culture enthusiast who's really a food loving…
Some years ago, I came across a forum where natural ladies were seeking advice as to the best strategy for laid-back edges and relaxers and texlaxers were suggested. Fast forward to 2017 and a lot of naturals are still falling back to this trend. There are so many reasons why women are relaxing their edges; from wanting to feel more confident with their appearance because their edges wouldn’t behave to needing a change. These naturals would rather relax their hairlines for the laid look they crave rather than flat iron their hairlines every day, which could be even more damaging than a relaxer.
As easy as this process sounds, this licensed cosmetologist on YouTube, Amelia Salon, is skeptical about the process and is also afraid that women are applying the relaxer in a wrong. According to her, you shouldn’t rub or put relaxer on your skin at all and everyone knows that your hairline is practically on your skin. She further states that applying relaxer solely on your edges can cause traction alopecia and chemical damage.
Watch the video here and continue to see how to lay your edges without relaxers…
Relaxing your edges will cause breakage, your hairline will eventually get thinner and you’ll have to tame it with gel, or another type of styler. Because the hair isn’t strong enough, it will inevitably begin to break and thin out. Please do not be tempted to relax your hairline. Instead, embrace your new texture, train it and make it work for you. Making the decision to go natural is a tough one, and the process of going natural is even tougher, but you can do it!!! Trust in the struggle.
Watch Brittany Swoope show how to get your edges to lay with the use of a gel instead of relaxer.
Here’s how to get laid-back edges…
How do you get your edges to co-operate with you?
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A fashion and culture enthusiast who's really a food loving adventurer at heart. At Style Rave, we aim to inspire our readers by providing engaging content to not just entertain but to inform and empower you as you ASPIRE to become more stylish, live smarter and be healthier. Follow us on Instagram @StyleRave_ ♥