SR International: Emma Raducanu Talks Coaching Changes, Training Routine, Her Very Unusual Diet + More

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Whether she’s at home or on the road for tournaments, Emma Raducanu keeps her routines the same. “I don’t like to overthink my match days, because then you put a lot of emphasis and additional pressure you don’t actually want,” says the 19-year-old tennis star. “The small things that bring you joy or elements of home definitely help.” The athlete, who reportedly has a net worth of $5 Million according to Celebrity Net Worth, even travels with her milk frother so that she can have the exact same coffee—frothed “to the max”—every day. Emma Raducanu Net Worth
Still, superstitious tournament routines have a habit of developing organically—like eating poke for dinner every single night. “Small things you would think nothing of at the beginning of the week might turn into a routine that you’re not changing,” she says. “Even when I had all the time in the world to go out to eat, I would get poke from Uber Eats because that was the routine.”
Raducanu, who retired from the Italian Open last week due to a back injury, is the reigning U.S. Open champion and currently preparing for Wimbledon at the end of next month. Born in Toronto and raised in London, she went pro in 2018. She’s currently between full-time coaches, having split with her most recent, Torben Beltz, after five months. In her business life, Raducanu is also an ambassador for brands that include Tiffany & Co., Dior Beauty, and Porsche. Here she speaks to WSJ. about the edge that double-digit hours of sleep give her and what her training routine looks like. Emma Raducanu Net Worth
Here are some things Emma Raducanu revealed to WSJ. Magazine…
On how much sleep she needs:
I definitely feel like I function much better when I have a lot of sleep but I’m not the best sleeper. It’s something that I really cherish when I do have a good night of sleep. I try to get at least eight hours but I’m aiming for nine and when I’m playing a match, then I’ll definitely go nine above, maybe 10, because I feel like every edge helps.
On her unusual diet:
I have smoked salmon three times a day, at least. That’s something people might not know about me. Literally, I’m addicted to smoked salmon, I have it for every single meal. I can eat it in any way, shape, or form. I can have it on its own, I can have it with egg, I can have it with rice. It’s really versatile.
On what her training routine looks like right now:
For a training week, I’d probably wake up, do a good warm-up [for] 20-30 minutes, and then get on the court for an hour and a half, have some lunch, and then get on court again for another hour and a half. And then probably do an hour, hour and a half of gym at the end of the day and then some treatment to keep my body in shape. It’s pretty intense, and it definitely takes a lot out of you. It’s important to keep rest days as well.
On any exercise outside of training:
I do yoga because I think it’s important to keep the flexibility, because we get into all sorts of positions on the tennis court. I think yoga is so calming and it’s one of those activities I do that I get completely lost when I’m doing it.
On her coaching changes, and what it’s been like to have to figure out what she needs to be a top-level pro so quickly:
That is definitely a journey [where] I’m learning on the way but it’s just what works for me as an individual. It might not work for anyone else and people might look at me like I’m crazy but I trust my own decision-making and my own beliefs of what I think is right for myself. I’m pretty confident in how I’m working and my mindset and outlook towards how I’m approaching my tennis right. Emma Raducanu Net Worth
On who she goes to for advice:
I go to my parents for advice the most because they’ve kind of always been right, even when I’ve not wanted to admit it. In the end, no matter how long later it is, if I look back, yeah, okay, their decision was probably right. They just know better and it sounds so cliché, but it’s kind of true.
On what she does to relax:
I probably need to get better at relaxing because I don’t really set aside anytime for myself but I definitely enjoy taking a bath with Epsom salts after a long day of training. Especially if you’ve trained a lot, [it feels like] you really deserved it. The problem is getting out of it. I just turn into a shriveled prune because I can’t be bothered to leave because I’m so comfortable.
On what she’s been reading and watching lately:
I’ve been reading a book called Mindset: The New Psychology of Success and also Billion Dollar Whale and The Psychology of Money. I like to read non-fiction because I always like to be learning, and I feel like any moment I’m not learning, I could be. I don’t watch much. My guilty pleasure is probably Taiwanese drama shows, because I can improve my Mandarin and often the plots are very far from reality so it’s a really good way to switch off.
On what makes her feel the most productive:
Probably the biggest satisfaction is when I’ve had a good night’s sleep, I wake up early, I’ve done a bunch of work or ticked a bunch of things off my to-do list in the morning—and then get some exercise in. It’s tough to get started, but then you get crazy endorphins and then you feel so good and so accomplished for the rest of the day.
On the one piece of advice she’s gotten that’s guided her:
Probably, “Be curious and ask questions.” I think that’s something I definitely do in my life, especially in my tennis—all the coaches and everyone I meet. Then you learn from many people and you can apply it as you please and select which parts you want to apply and which you don’t, but at least you have the options. Emma Raducanu Net Worth
Read the full article here.
Photo: @emmaraducanu | Instagram
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