
Trail Africa: 5 Amazing Things To See And Do In Madagascar

When you want to say hello to the locals, just say “Salama.” It will light up their faces.

Researchers Find UV Nail Polish Dryers Can Cause DNA Damage And Lead to Cancer-Causing Cell Mutations

It’s understandable why gel manicures have become a mainstay in nail salons all over the…

7 Of The Best Abs Workout To Do At Home

Getting the perfect abs does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of work and…

Trail Africa: 4 Must-see Sights Of The Kruger National Park

Open your mind and heart to glean from the wealth of knowledge of these guides who have close ties with the forest and nature.

7 Practical Ways To Reduce Menstrual Cramps Quickly

If, like me, your monthly red friend shows up with a lot of pain, then…

Celebrating Black Love! 10 Celebrity Couples Who Continue To Make Love Worth It

P ut some respect on black love that has stood the test of time. It’s…

Trail Africa: 4 Tourist Attractions Of The Namib Desert You Should See

You will be staring at life – its grandeur and truth. You will see these colossal wind-sculpted landmarks of nature with razor-sharp ridges undulating and arching their way into the horizon, creating a wondrous skyline you will always remember.

Mental Mondays: Who Is An Empath + Signs You Might Be one

E mpaths are individuals who deeply understand and feel the emotions of others. They have…

Is There Still An Acceptable Age Difference In Relationships?

Y ou are out on a date with the love of your life, albeit with…

Trail Africa: What Will Happen To You In Stone Town, Zanzibar – Part III

You will take a second bite and a third and on and on, relishing it the more. You will wish you could make this sort of pizza for yourself when you leave Stone Town and your vacation is over.

10 Chill Restaurants In Lagos To Check Out ASAP

L agos is “the city that never sleeps.” It is always buzzing with activity, and…

7 Reasons Why Your New Year’s Resolution Is Failing

I t’s the second week of January and you’ve already started stalling on your New…

Benefits Of Jump Squats And How To Do One Properly

Also known as squat jumps or jumping squats, jump squats are the power-packed HIIT version…

Trail Africa: What Will Happen To You In Stone Town, Zanzibar – Part II

Last week, I began a tale of what will happen to you in Stone Town,…

Mental Mondays: Why Are We Still Single Shaming In The 21st Century?

I t seems that being single after a particular age is heavily frowned upon in…

Travel Right: A Businessman’s Guide To Traveling In Style

The only thing I love more than food is travel. There’s just something surreal about…

Trail Africa: What Will Happen To You In Stone Town, Zanzibar – Part I

I am no augur. I am no cowrie-casting seer. But I know what happens to…

Okay, Bye! 10 Red Flags To Watch Out For On A First Date

If you’re looking for a serious long-term relationship, then it’s a waste of time to…

5 Time Management Tips To Keep You Going On A Tight Schedule

E veryone, at some point in life, has wished time would just stop. It seems…

Luxe Living: 5 Social Habits Of High Net Worth Individuals

When talking about the habits of millionaires, it’s common for news articles to focus on…

Trail Africa: 5 Things About Timbuktu That Will Surprise You

According to this tradition, Timbuktu was founded by Tuareg nomads as a camp where they stored their property and provisions and where they went back to from their long periods of travel through the Sahara Desert. It was said that these Tuaregs left this camp in the care of a woman called Tomboutou or Timbuktu, or Buctoo, which meant “woman with a big navel…”

Breakup Sex: 5 Ladies Share How Getting Kinky Post Breakup Affected Them

W hile Chris Brown revels in some new flame reverie, there are quantifiable numbers of…

Mental Mondays: Why You’re Easily Triggered + Effective Ways To Deal With Emotional Triggers

R ebellious teardrops, outbursts of rage, loneliness, anxiety, shame, and resentment are a few of…

Trail Africa: Unveiling Igun Street, A Wonder Of Treasures

In 1897, the British, in what is known as “The Punitive Expedition,” invaded Benin (in…

Wedding Bells Are Ringing: 10 Ways To Make Your Engagement Memorable

Getting engaged is perhaps one of the best highlights of any relationship. Few things can…

black woman with puffy under eye bags health
De-Puff! What Causes Under-Eye Bags And Easy Ways To Fix It

U nder-eye bags are a common cosmetic concern that refers to the appearance of swollen…

7 Best Romantic Comedies To Stay Loved Up Into The New Year

I t’s officially movie-binge season and the perfect time to see any Christmas movie you’ve…

5 Things Nigerians Still Love About The Christmas Season

Boney M never dies in Nigeria. It doesn’t stay for too long. It comes and goes and comes again. And it comes at Christmas season. We don’t know where it goes; but when it returns, the radio houses start playing his Christmas songs. The music shops start blaring it on their stereos. And then the songs start pouring out of private homes.

9 Important Questions To Ask On A First Date

While some may argue that it takes the fun and spontaneity away from the first…

7 Things I Learnt From Watching The New Drama Series, “From Scratch”

D isclaimer: If you still haven’t seen the series, From Scratch, this is a full-on…