
Why Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace Is Important

W hen it comes to workplaces with individuals from diverse backgrounds, we need to turn…

21 Characteristics Of A High-Value Man + Tips On Dating One

Y ou probably heard the term high-value man and wondered why it was difficult for…

Trail Africa: 5 Amazing Things To Love About Seychelles

Seychelles was a transit point for trade between Asians and Africans, but was seized by the French in 1756, and named after Louis XV’s Minister of Finance, Jean Moreau de Séchelles. That’s how the country got its name.

8 Tried And Trusted Home Remedies To Ease Period Cramps

A lot of women suffer pain during their menstrual period. From mild discomfort to severe…

Travel Caribbean: 5 Tourist Attractions To Spice Up Your Visit To Grenada

The Caribbean country Grenada comprises a main island (known as the Island of Grenada) and…

Mental Mondays: What You Should Know If You’re Crying For No Reason

C rying is a natural and healthy way for our bodies to release built-up emotions,…

Start Right! How To Develop A Healthy Morning Routine

“Early to bed, early to rise.” This is almost never applicable to those who naturally…

Get Your Groove On! 8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Dance For Total Well-being

It’s time to get your groove on! Dance has always been a part of human…

Trail Africa: 5 Things About Ethiopia That Will Fascinate You

Ethiopia grows some of the best coffee in the world. The Rastafarian movement thrived and evolved in Jamaica, but claims Ethiopia as its spiritual homeland. Ethiopians have, and still use a thirteen-month calendar; they have also a different time schedule from what is generally used in the West. And every Ethiopian must be proud to tell you that Ethiopia was never brought under colonial rule.

7 Foods You Didn’t Know Could Cause Body Odor

W hen you’ve done all that pertains to hygiene and still have body odor, this…

Body Positivity Vs. Body Neutrality: How To Leverage Both To Live Your Best Life

W e live in a world where our worth is often measured by how we…

Mental Mondays: How To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

“V ampires are real. They’re usually not the cape-wearing, ‘mwah-hah-hah-ing’ types, but rather people with…

7 Absolutely Healthy (And Yummy) Foods To Boost Your Immunity

We’ve heard that food is medicine, but what you may not know is that all…

7 Ways To Know If Your Online Date Is A Time Waster

We are in the digital age, and everything can be delivered to our doorsteps. Food,…

7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Probiotics

It’s one thing to look your best, and another to feel your best. Both go…

What Is Carbon-neutral Shipping And Why Should You Care?

D id you know that the shipping industry is responsible for around 2.5% of global…

Mental Mondays: All You Need To Know About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

I t’s hard to detect ADHD in our generation where people have short attention lifespans,…

Trail Africa: 5 Unique Sights And Things To Do In The Gambia

And do you remember Kunta Kinte from Alex Haley’s classic autobiography, Roots: The Saga of an American Family, and its hugely popular screen adaptation, Roots? The Gambia is Kunta Kinteh’s homeland. If that doesn’t tell you something about the rich importance of this place, you’ll realize on arriving here that tourists from all over the world come to the Gambia to see the home of Alex Haley’s famous ancestor shipped away during the slave trade, and to which Haley returned generations after, to trace his roots.

Inflammaging: What Is It And What Are Its Side Effects?

S ome words seem alien until you start getting wiser, or perhaps older. While some…

Mental Mondays: How To Know If You’re Becoming A Toxic Parent

D o you feel overwhelmed and unsure if your actions are hurting your children? The…

5 Big Caribbean Festivals You Should Definitely Experience

You will see droves of elaborately costumed people in groups swirling and shimmying in brilliant colors. You’ll see and hear youngsters beating goatskin drums or blowing animal horns, sounding horns, and tinkling bells. You’ll hear them singing and dancing. Every group’s eye is on the prize.

8 Essential Travel Items You Need In Your Luggage At All Times

It’s a fact that humans love to travel and for those who say they don’t,…

7 Tried And Trusted Ways To Prevent Body Odor

People tend to judge us by the way we smell because it tells a lot…

9 African Countries You Should Consider For Your Next Vacation

With Easter a few weeks away, it’s likely that you’re considering a vacation; so how…

5 Signs You Need To Improve Your Ankle Mobility

There are countless workout regimens for losing weight, building muscle, and improving endurance. However, far…

5 Ways Hard Credit Checks Can Impact Your Score

H aving a good grasp of your credit score is an important personal finance skill.…

Mental Mondays: Does Childhood Trauma Really Affect Relationships?

A person’s mental and emotional health can be significantly impacted by childhood trauma, which can…

5 Solid Ways To Advance Your Career In 2023

I t doesn’t matter if you’re ambitious or merely trying to get by in your…

How To Create The Perfect Outdoor Space You’ll Love

I f you enjoy entertaining friends and family, or relaxing outdoors when the weather is…

5 Important Questions To Ask On A First Date

F irst dates are unofficial interviews for a prospective soulmate. The process of getting to…