
Mental Mondays: What Is Tall Poppy Syndrome + How To Deal With It

S uccess sometimes comes with its fair share of haters. The higher you climb, the…

Trail Africa: 5 Fun Attractions Of Obudu Mountain Resort In Nigeria

It’s fun to walk on this narrow bridge in company with others in single file; the chats, the look of wonder at the sight of a creature on a tree, the bated breath, the swish of leaves on tree branches – everything adds to this unmistakably adventurous thrill of this place.

A Simple Guide To Lymphatic Drainage Massage

I magine a hidden network operating beneath your skin, working tirelessly to keep your body…

Serenity In Style! Why You Get The Best Out Of Style As Self-Care

I‘m a firm believer in the saying “do what makes you happy,” and style as…

Mental Mondays: All You Need To Know About Box Breathing

I n today’s world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the demands of daily life.…

Trail Africa: 7 Special Places To Check Out When You Visit Accra, Ghana

Accra, the capital and largest city of the West African country of Ghana, is an…

7 Easy Business Ideas To Bridge The Unemployment Gap In 2023

T he pandemic came with its fair share of setbacks, and before we could get…

7 Best Budgeting Apps You Should Download Now

Every new year, there are endless lists of new year resolutions, particularly geared towards finance…

Mental Mondays: How To Deal With The Side Eye Phenomenon When Practicing Self-love

S elf-love means caring for and appreciating yourself. It involves accepting and valuing yourself, including…

Why Are Black Women Working Hard For Less?

D id you know that Black women in most developed countries work harder than almost…

A Simple Guide To Boosting Your Mental Health For Your Wedding

Y our wedding is a major milestone in life, so it’s natural to feel overwhelmed…

7 Effective Ways To Handle CyberBullying

Bullying isn’t a new thing in society, but it has taken different forms over the…

Trail Africa: 10 Tourist Destinations In Southern Africa To Soothe Your Mind – Part II

We recognize that a lot of people are stressed out by the demands of work,…

Mental Mondays: What Are The Types Of Anxiety And How To Overcome Them

A nxiety is a feeling that many of us experience at some point in our…

Travel Caribbean: 5 Fun Things To Do When You Visit The Bahamas

It is said that Christopher Columbus “discovered” the new world beginning in the Bahamas. Charmed…

Quick, Easy, And Delicious Breakfast Ideas For Busy Adults

In our very busy adult lives, we very often don’t have the time to whip…

Trail Africa: 10 Tourist Destinations In Southern Africa To Soothe Your Mind – Part I

Here is a continuation of our series on destinations to soothe your mind. We understand…

Why Do I Have Dark Lips? Ps: I’m Not A Smoker

T here’re people who struggle with dark lips despite being non-smokers. You may be surprised…

7 Career Connections You Need To Make For That Extra Boost

The deliberate act of building strategic relationships that have the ability to catapult you from…

Mental Mondays: How To Recognize An Anxiety Attack

A nxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However,…

How To Manage Long Distance Relationships And Be Happy

Long-distance relationships are not always bubbles and sparkles. Sometimes, they require more effort trying to…

Smeared Makeup? Here’s How To Stop Excessive Sweating On the Face And Head

S meared makeup is not always a deliberate choice. Sometimes, it’s due to an unexpected…

Sustainable Fashion: 5 Effective Ways Fashion Can Become More Sustainable

A ccording to The U.S. Geological Survey, “35% of the microplastics found in oceans can…

8 Money Mistakes To Avoid In Your 30s That Could Ruin Your Finances

F inancial responsibility is one thing that eventually catches up with you irrespective of whether…

What’s Behind The Rise Of Recreational Use Of Viagra By Younger Men?

A ccording to a study published in Frontiers in Medicine, researchers found that a full…

Why Are Millennials So Unhappy?

M illennials, also known as Generation Y, are a generation of people born between the…

35 Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas For Every Unique Woman

With Mother’s Day in view, if you are yet to get your mother or the…

Mental Mondays: What To Know About Racial Microaggressions

R acial microaggressions are subtle every day, often unintentional, behaviors or comments that convey derogatory…

11 Best Anti-Aging Foods For Younger, Glowy Skin

It’s often said that beauty comes from within, so don’t just rely on anti-wrinkle creams…

Trail Africa: 5 West African Destinations To Calm Your Mind

When we desire calm, soothing locations for an ideal hideaway from our hectic lives, we…